HBA's ventures operate within ESG parameters, Environmental, Social and Governance. HBA's core inalienable value is the sustainability of our structures as well as our actions.
Our mission is to safeguard the environment, exploring sustainable solutions to fortify both the planet as well as single individuals.
HBA concretely focuses on quality of life, employment growth and social equality and puts them ar the top of the company goals.
HBA is committed to secure, within their area of expertise, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by the 2030 Agenda, as approved by the UN.
HBA is committed to provide the maximum local economic, environmental and social added value.
Our food processing, biomethane and pallets' production plants call for specific work units, based upon the intricacy of project, resulting in new job opportunities for local communities. Furthermore, HBA promotes the employment of young workforce equipped with an innovative vision and approach.
Following our zero waste commitment, our projects aim to optimizing natural resources potential as well as food-waste reprocessing pursuant circular economy models.
The implemention of our projects generates food-processing and anaerobic digestion growth among contiguous territories: we promote local farmers' involvement through profitable and durable economic opportunities. Our short supply chain projects (within a 15-20 km range), pursue the goal of offering local, PGI focused on the territory as well as quality and specific brands.

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